# Coding interview

# Interview process

Product Manager / Dev Leads

  • Listen (dont talk in middle)
  • Be Confident
  • Be speedy
  • Practice Pen/paper coding
  • Without a great resume, there's no interview. And without great experience, there's no great resume
    • Big Project (better if realworld)
    • 1 page (if less than 10 yrs exp)
    • Employment history (not every thing but most important ones)
    • Avoid
      • Enterprise languages like vbnet, .net
      • Too focused on one language only....like specific versions
      • certifications
    • resume template (opens new window)

# Behaviour questions

  • In Story format
    • Situation
    • Task
    • Action
    • Result
  • talk about projects
  • Ask questions. Do prepare a list.
    • Genuine
    • Insightful
    • Passion
  • Specific nor arrogant
  • Your role not team
  • Tell me about yourself ?
    • Current role (in company) - 1-2 lines
    • College - 1-2 lines
    • after college
    • Current role (detailed)
    • Outside of work (hackathons, stackoverflow, etc)
    • Wrap up (why new job?)

# Technical questions

  • Absolute basics

    Data structure Algorithm Concepts
    Linked Lists Breadth-First Search Bit Manipulation
    Trees, Tries, & Graphs Depth-First Search Memory (Stack vs. Heap)
    Stacks & Queues Binary Search Recursion
    Heaps Merge Sort Dynamic Programming
    Vectors / Arraylists Quick Sort Big O Time & Space
    Hash Tables (Most imp)
  • Powers of 2 / Memory limits / Scalability

    Powers of 2 Exact value Approx value Memory
    7 128 - -
    8 256 - -
    10 1024 1 thousand 1 KB
    20 1,048,576 1 million 1 MB
    30 - 1 billion 1 GB
  • Problem solving

    1. Listen
    2. Example
      • Use numbers, strings.
      • NOT a special case.
    3. Brute force
    4. Optimize (BUD)
      • Bottlenecks / Unnecessary work / Duplicated work
      • How will it be in real world ? (searching in dictionary book is a binary search )
      • Try base case (like n=1)
      • Which data structure/algo is best ?
    5. Walkthrough
    6. Implement
    7. Test
      • Small cases
      • Special & edge cases

# Offers and rejection

  • Deadline - Company gives time of 1-4 weeks to reply for offer
  • Decline offer - Say I think startup could be better for me. (Non-offensive).(Maybe after 1-2 years)
  • Rejection - Reapply after some time. Ask for feedback if possible.
  • Package
    • 1-time perks - signing / relocation
    • Base salary
    • Annual Bonus (3-30% of base salary)
    • Cost of living
    • Taxes
    • Stocks/equity (3-4 years)
  • On Job
    • Promotions
    • Career path in 2-3 years
    • Relationships & networks
    • Keep interviewing atleast 1 in a year for practice
Last Updated: 4/7/2021, 10:29:29 AM